Here you will find information about what applies for your membership and your training card, as a clarification of our membership conditions.
Your membership
To train with us, you need to become a member of the association Friskis&Svettis Gävle. The membership is valid per calendar year and costs SEK 150 (SEK 50 for ages 0-12), which is paid in addition to your training card.
Lost training card
If you lose your training card, we will replace it for an administrative fee of SEK 150. Visit the reception and we will arrange it.
Male and female staff
There may be both male and female staff who carry out cleaning or maintenance and repair work in our changing rooms.
Freezing training cards
With a valid certificate from your doctor, midwife or physiotherapist, you can freeze your card free of charge. The certificate must have a letterhead or stamp as well as the signature and printed name of the issuer. The certificate must state that you cannot/have been unable to exercise, with starting and ending dates. Of course, your own name and personal identity number must also be noted. You show the certificate to us when you are ready to train again, and we will extend the time you have been away from training to a maximum of 6 months.
Members with an annual pass can choose to freeze their training pass if, for example, they are going on a trip. This is done on site in our reception and it is frozen for a maximum of 3 months which applies for one time/annual card. This costs SEK 200.
Always have your training card with you when you train. You must always register in one of our card readers.
If you do not want a photo attached to your training card, you need to be able to show an id-card at every training session.
Age limits
Our age limits always apply from the year you become older. Young people aged 13-15 can train everything except for barbell, HIT and boxing. Young people 10-12 years old can practice Jympa, Dance and Step on their own and in the gym during staffed opening hours together with a guardian. To see what times if you are 10-15 years old you can train in the gym, please click here. If you are under 16 years of age, a guardian needs to be present at the first session to approve the storage/use of personal data according to the Data Protection Regulation. You can buy cards with a senior discount from the year you turn 65 or if you can present a valid certificate. Purchase of training cards for students must be made by presenting a student ID card.
Height limit
You can practice Spin and Indoor Walking if you are over 150 cm tall and from the year you turn 13.
Unmanned facilities
For you to be able to train and for our gyms to function during unmanned hours, it is important that you as a member follow our rules regarding this. Training at unmanned times is based a lot on trust and responsibility shown by you and the Association.
Security & order:
- To enter you need a valid training card.
- Only members have the right to enter through the entrance passage, one at a time. You always only scan yourself. Admission of anyone else into the passage, member or non-member, leads to a suspension.
- There is a camera in the entrance to ensure that only authorised persons are on the premises.
- Keep the place tidy and put things back after use. Damage leads to a suspension.
- Random checks of valid training cards occur.
- Specific telephone numbers are posted that may be needed in emergency situations.
- Keep an eye on our opening hours so you can leave in time before the security guards arrive.
-Keep an extra eye on the training card's validity period via My pages on the website or in the app.